
Passion 1

Seed Pack

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Category Dutch Passion

Passion #1 by Dutch Passion produces long buds in a simple and easy cultivation. A Sativa strain suitable for outdoors, with a citric taste and stimulant effects. 

Flavor Citric
Climate Rainy
Effect Medicinal antidepressant
Genotype Indica
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Passion #1 by Dutch Passion, better known as Californian Indica, is one of the most used strains for crosses and backcrosses of outdoor and greenhouse-use designed varieties. This strain quickly earned the reputation of being a strong and robust plant, capable of even resisting the cold and humidity in Northern Europe.

Indoors, it’s an average producer because this strain is too big for grow tents. It grows too much and doesn’t tolerate excess heat so if you live in a warm region you better choose another variety rather than facing disaster. If you don’t allow too much growth (a maximum of 5 days) you’ll have slender specimens with few branches, so you’ll be able to place more plants per m2. It will yield up to 250g with 10 plants per m2.

Passion #1 is a variety meant for exterior cultivation, in large pots, where it will produce huge plants, being 100% Indica. The crop will reach about 250g in 2.5m tall specimens, planted in pots. In the ground, you can get up to 750g with plants of up to 3.5m in height, if planted early and under optimal conditions. Its flowers are long and heavy, full of resin and of citric aromas, very compact. It will be ready by mid-, late September.

When smoked, you’ll feel that citric taste in your mouth. It has a strong and narcotic effect, very pleasant. Passion #1 is an outdoor 4x4, we’re sure you’ll repeat again once you’ve tried it.

  • Sativa/Indica: 0/100%
  • Flowering: 55/65 days indoors Late September outdoors.
  • Height: 1m indoors and 2-3.5m outdoors.

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Category Dutch Passion Reference Dutch Passion UPC 11

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