
Metal Reducer

Reduction dock

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This metal duct reducer is used to connect two tubes, one of which is smaller than the other.

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This metal duct reducer is available in various sizes – they’re used in situations, for example, where the air flow from the extractor doesn’t correspond with the size of the filter in diameter and you need to reduce the size of the duct.

Also, when splitting one duct tube into two it’s convenient to reduce the size of the two separate tubes.

When you need to divert a duct into two different ducts, the only way to make sure that the flow is even is to use a reducer so that both sides get the same amount of flow; from a 200 duct you’ll need to divert it into two 125 ducts, as if you use the same size for all of them the air might only flow through one of the tubes, leaving your grow quite unstable in as far as ventilation.

Available from 100/125mm to 315/250mm.

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Category Connectors and accessories Reference Acople reduccion metal UPC 18

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