On sale! Last items in stock Boosters & additives Clonex Grow Technology-Ionic €11.50 Clonex by Growth Technology is a rooting hormone designed to obtain excellent quality clones with a 100% rate of success. This hormone is the most used by growers around the world. Add to cart
On sale! Ionic Clonex Mist Grow Technology-Ionic €12.34 Clonex Mist by Growth Technology is a foliar-applied fertilizer, special for mother plants and clones. It ensures a strong health both for your clones and mother plants. Add to cart
On sale! Boosters & additives Formulex Grow Technology-Ionic €3.30 Formulex by Growth Technology is a fertilizer that comes with a pH regulator. It’s specially formulated to feed your clones with the indispensable nutrients. Add to cart
On sale! Ionic GreenMyst Humic Grow Technology-Ionic €12.00 GreenMyst Humic by Growth Technology is a product made from humic and fulvic acids. It is made from an extract of vegetal matter which has decomposed over thousands of years. View
On sale! Ionic Ionic Coco Grow Technology-Ionic €9.40 Ionic Coco is a base fertilizer with the right proportions of nutrients for growing in coco. We'll have to combine its use with the rest of components given by the Ionic chart, such as Pk Booster during the bloom. Add to cart
On sale! Ionic Ionic Hydro Aguas Blandas Grow Technology-Ionic €15.00 Ionic Hydro - soft water by Growth Technology is a fertilizer used as a nutrient base in hydroponic crops to be complemented with the rest of products of the Ionic range. Add to cart
On sale! Ionic Ionic Hydro Hard Water Grow Technology-Ionic €7.50 Ionic Hydro Hard Water by Growth Technology is a nutrient base to be complemented with the rest of additives of the Ionic chart. Hard waters are those with EC>0.3 Add to cart
On sale! Ionic Ionic Soil Grow Technology-Ionic €10.50 Ionic Soil is a fertilizer that can be used both during the growing and the flowering stage when we grow in soil. It will have to be added to the rest of nutrients in the Ionic chart. Add to cart
On sale! Ionic Ionic Starter Kit ( Hydro, Coco, Soil ) Grow Technology-Ionic €44.00 The Ionic Starter Kit is a quality nutrient kit so that you can have your own professional grow – with this kit, you’ll have everything you need for all of your plants’ phases. View
On sale! Ionic Liquid Oxigen Grow Technology-Ionic €4.30 Liquid Oxigen by Growth Technology is a revolutionary product that helps your plant absorb better the nutrients present in irrigation water and to improve the global health of the radicular system. Add to cart
On sale! Ionic Liquid Silicon Grow Technology-Ionic €4.30 Liquid Silicon by Growth Technology is a fertilizer made of silicon, a mineral plants need and which is usually present in all growing substrates, but which has to be added in hydro and aero settings. Add to cart
On sale! Ionic Nitrozyme Grow Technology-Ionic €12.30 Nitrozyme by Growth Technology is a very concentrated growth booster to take care of the radicular system of our plants thanks to its formula based on seaweed. Get strong and healthy plants from the first day. Add to cart
On sale! Calibration fluids Ph Down Ionic Grow Technology-Ionic €6.10 Ph Down by Growth Technology is a very concentrated product made of phosphoric acid which will allow you to lower the acidity level of your nutrient solution whenever it's necessary. Add to cart
On sale! Last items in stock Calibration fluids Ph Up Ionic Grow Technology-Ionic €8.60 Ph Up by Growth Technology is the most concentrated calibrator liquid on the market. Since it contains 25% of potassium hydroxide, a few ml of the product will suffice to increase the Ph level of many liters of water. Add to cart
On sale! Last items in stock Ionic Pk Boost Grow Technology-Ionic €13.60 PK Boost by Growth Technology is a complement added to base fertilizers to get an amazing fattening of the buds. It contains iron so that your plants are green until the end of their growing cycle. Add to cart
On sale! Substrates Root Riot Clonex starter cubes for cuttings Grow Technology-Ionic €16.20 Root Riot 100 starter cubes by Growth Technology (by the brand Clonex) to do marijuana cuttings. This substrate full of hormones will make your cuttings root super fast in a record time. Add to cart
On sale! Additional insecticides or fungicides SMC Spidermite Control Grow Technology-Ionic €10.70 SMC Spidermite Control by Growth Technology (a brand by IONIC) is an anti-mite and red spider mite product. It is totally natural and safe for the environment (and human health). It can be sprayed even at an advanced stage of the flowering since there is no waiting period to be respected. Add to cart