
Anti-leafminer insects and plant louse insecticide


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Anti-leafminer insects and plant louse insecticide allows you to do both preventive and curing treatments and eradicate plagues with a few sprayings.

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Greendel brings us an effective remedy to solve the problem of plant louse and other leafminer insect plagues. It has been created for foliar application, spraying both sides of leaves and the stems of plants, with a diluted solution of product and water to use that very same day. It should be applied mainly in spring and summer, the favourable time for pests to thrive due to the increase of temperatures and in some places, due to humidity.

Plant louses affect mainly the stems of our plants since they feed on the savia and nutrients present on them. Once their number is important, they can literally devour the whole stem in the most serious cases. Many times, they get to the plants carried by ants that move very quickly from one plant to another. 

Leafminer insects tend to perforate leaves and lay their eggs on them. Once the eggs are open, larvae excavate sinuous galleries -easy to see- on the upper part of leaves. They usually affect the lower leaves of plants and it would be best to simply remove the affected leaves if they are really infested. Another trick would be to crush the parasite with your fingers, by pressing the leave. This can be done while you are watering and waiting for the substrate to absorb water.

The blending of insecticide and water must be done according to the recommended dosage and application frequency. For 1L of water you should pick 0.5-1ml of product with a test tube. It is important to use a clean sprayer every time you are going to spray chemical insecticides. If we also use biological insecticides, you'd better use a different sprayer. It is very important the spraying is done with a very thin mist so that the solution falls and humidifies the plant evenly, affecting both sides of the leaves. You must spray the plants from the bottom to the upper part to soak all the stems well. It is important to do this operation with low light. After spraying the plant, it is good to shake the plant to remove the excess of insecticide accumulated at the edges.

The effect lasts between 15-20 days, so we recommend using it every 2 weeks as a preventive treatment during the vegetative stage and stop applying it just before the bloom, when your plants exhibit just a few white hairs and are shooting up. In case of infestation, you'll have to apply it once a week to eradicate the plague. The manufacturer guarantees a waiting period of 20 days from the last application. However, at we recommend you to wait for 1 month to make sure there won't be any traces of insecticide in your product and your weed will be healthy.

As every time you use chemical insecticides, all precautions must be adopted to avoid inhaling the product. Also, avoid drinking or smoking during the application. Above all, avoid all contact with the skin and the eyes. Always wear goggles and gloves.


  • Abamectin 1.8% p/v (18g/L)


  • 0.5-1ml

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Category Greendel insecticides and fungicides Reference Greendel UPC 36

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