
25mm pipe polyethylene connector


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25mm pipe polyethylene connector. It lets us join two different pipes, joint two parts we have previously cut or do longer sections of pipe.

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Many times, while we are doing our irrigation system, we cut pipes at a location we shouldn't or a pipe gets pierced. Other times we have to continue the pipe where there used to be a tee-piece with a bifurcation or we simply need to increase the length of our pipe.

All of these cases will mean no hassle for you thanks to this connector. It will let you joint 25mm sections with no water leaks. All pieces are threaded so, even if there is a lot of pressure in your system, water won't escape and pieces won't loosen.

When we disassemble polyethylene connectors we have to pay attention to the way pieces are assembled, because we'll have to assemble them the same way with the pipe inside.

How to assemble 25mm polyethylene connectors:

  • remove one of the screw threads of the connector and 3 pieces will come out from the inside. One is a ring or collar, another one a plastic washer and the third one a rubber joint.
  • first, you'll have to put the thread of the pipe inside and then the ring without pressing it excessively, since it must stay at the edge. The ring tends to go down in the pipe easily but it is difficult to move it up afterwards. Therefore, don't press it too hard.
  • then, you'll have to set the plastic washer and after that, the rubber joint. Once you have set the joint in place there must remain about 5 to 10mm of threaded pipe sticking out, at most, so that all pieces fit well when we put them inside the connector. If all fits fine, screw it by hand as much as you can and it will be done.
  • if you can see a leak or feel the thread doesn't fit well, stop and start again until all fits well. Usually, it is enough to fit the pieces by hand to guarantee there won't be any water leak. However, if there is a lot of pressure in your system you might want to use a pipe wrench.

Product details

Category Pipes and spare parts Reference 421048 EAN13 13155016 UPC 29

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