
Decis Protech Multipurpose Pesticide


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Category Bayer Garden

Decis Protech by Bayer is a shock-effect pesticide. It will repel or eradicate any pest quickly. The great thing about it is you only have to wait for a safety period of 7 days after spraying.

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When you grow in your garden, your plants are exposed to hundreds of insect plagues which, if they settle in our crop, might be difficult to eradicate. Whiteflies, cochineals or thrips are commonplace in cannabis crops and unless you do something to fight them, they can take over your plants at a great speed.

Other times, when you get to the harvest time and buds are ready to be collected, undesirable caterpillars appear. Caterpillars are very difficult to control since once they are big they don't die with Bacillus which is the product that's usually employed against them.

Now you can resort to Decis Protech, a chemical pesticide, able to destroy insect, caterpillar, thrip and aphid plagues in a very short time. Besides, safety period is just 7 days long. You can use it at the end of the growing cycle and not worry about potential traces of bad flavor or intoxication problems when you consume your weed. This fact makes it ideal to fight against the caterpillars that appear just before harvest time and it's an effective way to stop them.

It works via ingestion and contact so you must increase the chances for it to act by contact (otherwise it will only work when the bugs eat your precious plants). The term shock-effect means it acts quickly on the plague, finishing it in a few days.

Doses and instructions for use of Decis Protech:

  • Use from 0.5ml/L to 1ml/L of water sprayed over your plants
  • Spray it every week until the pest is not visible anymore
  • We recommend stopping its use 21 days before the harvest in order to make sure there is no trace of the product in your weed. Safety delay is 7 days.
  • It contains 1.5%P/V Deltamethrin, a compound which acts as fast as it disappears

Product details

Category Bayer Garden Reference Bayer UPC 37

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