
Bio Essentials


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Category GHE

Bio Essentials by GHE is a complex with chelated micronutrients and organic regulators that will stabilize your growing medium’s pH.

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Bio Essentials by GHE is a product that provides the micronutrients needed by your plants to stay strong and healthy and respond with all their arsenal against pathogen attacks.

Its first-class and completely water-soluble ingredients allow for its use in any growing medium and with any automatic irrigation system.

Bio Essentials contains pH bio-stabilizers so that the acidity level is not altered because of the accelerated growth that you’ll induce. It can be applied on the leaves to obtain immediate effects because this way it will directly reach the cells of your plants.

When plants assimilate large amounts of mineral salts from the medium, they can drastically change the pH, leading to serious deficiencies. Plants need to keep a delicate balance to assimilate the full range of nutrients they need.

Combine it with a good fertilizing base and stimulators to get the best possible results. You can check the complete feeding chart by General Hydroponics Europe.

Dosage and usage of Bio-Essentials by GHE:

  • In soil:
  • Add 3mL per litre of nutrient mix and irrigate as usual.
  • In hydro:
  • Add 5mL per litre of nutrient mix and irrigate.
  • Foliar applications:
  • Dissolve 2mL per litre of water and spray on both sides of the leaves.

Foliar applications are always carried out in low light conditions, just before the lights go out indoors and, outdoor, when the sun sets.

Composition of Bio Essentials by GHE:

  • 0.01% Boron
  • 0.003% Molybdenum
  • 0,001% Cobalt
  • 0.1% Iron chelates
  • 0.025% Manganese chelates
  • 0.01% Zinc
  • 0.01% Copper

Product details

Category GHE Reference GHE UPC 17

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