
Foliar Feed


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Foliar Feed by Pro XL is a foliar fertilizer designed to help plants which didn't root well or experience radicular problems by feeding them until they overcome those situations and develop new roots.

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Foliar Feed by Pro XL is a foliar application fertilizer that will bring nutrients directly to leaves and stems, allowing plants that are experiencing certain issues at radicular level to assimilate nutrients, survive and regenerate their radicular area. It is important to identify the cause of the disfunction in your plants and correct it so that when new roots are developed they don't have the same problem again.

Many times, when we germinate seeds in a pot or when we do cutting, the substrate becomes too soaked and it takes a lot of time for roots to develop. Plants need to feed even if they are very little and if there is no root to provide food intake, the best we can do is feeding them via foliar.

Foliar Feed by Pro XL will give our plants all they need for their perfect development. Plants will be nourished and well fed while the radicular systems recovers from stress. Plants will have a fast reaction, since the perfect mixture of NPK and trace elements will be absorbed immediately by the plants.

When we grow autoflowering strains, it is very common plants remain too short due to a bad expansion of the radicular system over the first days. But, with Foliar Feed, we'll get that both automatic and seasonal plants don't experience any kind of stress related to their roots during those crucial first days.

In the case of cuttings, growth is also commonly affected owing to a root dysfunction since we'll transplant them from a very small medium like a Jiffy or a rockwool plug to a large pot (large when compared to their previous habitat). When there is so much wet substrate around the small radicular system, roots may asphyxiate causing the growth to stop. By applying Foliar Feed we'll manage to get them back to their growing cycle until new roots grow and penetrate the new substrate.

Dosage and instructions for use:

  • Dilute the content of a jar in 5L of water and spray on our plants, particularly over the underside of leaves.
  • If you use less water to spray your plants, you can use 6ml per L.
  • Spray every two days until the roots can absorb again.
  • Avoid the substrate to get wet. If the substrate is soaked, the problems at root level might get worse.
  • Spray at night so that the moist of the spraying lasts.


  • Phosphorous
  • Potassium
  • Enzymes
  • Silver nano-particles
  • Vitamins
  • Trace elements

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Category Pro XL Nutrients Reference UPC 17

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